Pee Pain
Not sure if pregnant mummy here encounter this before? When pee lower abdomen upper pelvic region have a sharp pain? But after finish pee the pain gone. I encounter this case last night.
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Thanks everyone. Have checked with gynae. Is Urine infection. Have to take t26 probiotic and ural.
Super Mum
I have that once in awhile since my last 2nd trimester up till now though. Doc say nothing though
Ya.. i also felt it abit. Tot it's the baby since it didnt continue being pain after peeing. : )
Have experience sharp pain at pelvic area but not when im peeing. Its when im sitting or walking
I have encountered a few times. I thk shld be normal
Best to check with your doctor to be safe and sure
Once in a while but i think is normal...
VIP Member
better check with ur Dr
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