Hi mommies, I’m 3 weeks 5 day pregnant. I just had like a vaginal bleeding dark brown color .
Is this normal? Should I see a doctor?
Better jumpa doctor terus pergi emergency. Masa sy trus pergi klinik swsta, dia refer ke emergency then follow up kat hosp sbulan lebih scan lalu bawah amik darah semua sebab takut ectopic pregnancy and risiko lain². Alhamdulillah lepas confirm takda apa bru dia refer kk utk buat buku pink 😉
Dark brown colour selalunya tanda bby Baru nk melekat... Anyway try google early pregnancy bleeding... Baca... ☺
Thanks for the info ☺️
its normal. the ones that not normal is if the bleeding is heavy that fills full pad. jaga makan dan minum air banyak.
Mine tak heavy mcm tu. alhamdulillah now bleeding dh kering. Thanks ya 🙏🏻
if bleeding jangan bersama suami dulu yaa. go see the doctor if you can 😊
awak boleh jumpa doctor, masa pregnant 1st saya mcm tu.
Tq 👍🏻👍🏻