Hey! I'm 5 weeks 4 days in!

I was in disbelief that I had done 3 tests! Then, I had came to accept that I'm expecting! Yeay! What a blessing! However, checked for a scan today and Dr can't see the sac yet, but there's a cyst. She told me that it is normal. Should I be worried, guys? #Prayingthatallisfine

Hey! I'm 5 weeks 4 days in!
3 Balas
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Tulis jawapan

cyst usually disebabkan hormon. akan pecah sendiri bila baby makin besar. tapi doktor akan check progress saiz cyst, if makin besar, akan refer pakar.

2mo ago

Thanks, Aisyah! New knowledge utk i.

I baru scan tak ada jugak kantung. 5 weeks and 5 days

2mo ago

i 4mggu 6hri pn xnmpk mse scan dktr minta dtg lain bg ckup 8mggu

Nope. Totally normal. Congratulation!

2mo ago

Thanks, dear!