emotional on 2 ND tri

Hi, is it normal to feel angry, and emotional during pregnancy? Sometimes I feel emotional my tears start to fall for no reason

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I find myself raging at my husband more to be honest. for simple matters like if he merely told me to "stop yakking" I flew into a rage. or when I was hungry yet vommiting n I cried like someone died bcos I was so tired of vomitting

Super Mum

It is normal, dear. Hormones do play a part, but try to also take yourself out of very stressful environments if possible. And also get enough rest. I became very chill after I was away from the really stressful environment. Heh

4y ago

As with all relationships, both parties must learn to give and take. It’s good to practise now, because it gets even harder after baby is born. Both parents will have very different ways of caring for the baby or later on, disciplining and raising the child. If it’s rly about food, how about choosing a place that offers a wide range of choices, so that both of you can eat what you want?:)

Totally and it’s also harder to make yourself stop crying. Sometimes it’s rly annoying cus I’m so sick of crying but can’t stop

Just your pregnancy hormone that is causing this emotional issue. Hang on... it will stabilise. Take care and God bless you and baby.

Yes, it's normal. I feel the same previously. I even get annoyed and cry for nothing. You can get through it. 😊

hahaha, I am in 2nd semester too. I even dream angrily. But when I woke up, I quickly calm down my emotion.

yes it's normal. I feel more sensitive and easily irritable.

Omgeee this hormone thing really ~ I got so shaken up with emotions

2y ago

Then my husband said I changed so much after marriage, since I immediately got pregnant after

VIP Member

Yes it is, but you have to rest well and be positive!

VIP Member

yes its normal. due to hormones :)