Hi is it normal to cry more often during pregnancy? Will it affect baby in any way? Does anyone feel much more emotional after getting preg?

Yes it is very normal. It’s called the baby blues, happening in 80% of new mums. But the fact that you’re aware of it is a good thing. Try to do things you’ve always loved, build up that optimism and habit (:
Me. At times I just feel like I waanna cry n I cried badly over little things. Haha. It's more manageable now. It's normal due to the hormones fluctuating and being uncomfortable throughout the journey.
Me! Hormones change, I feel super down during pregnancy. After bb is out it will go back to normal. Won’t affect bb, try to cheer your self up by either watching show or go out with your friends
Yes normal because of the high level of our hormones But always remember that our baby senses our emotions so better to always stay positive & look on the brighter side of life
Getting pregnant makes a woman very hormonal. You will have a roller coaster ride of emotions. I cried easily when I was pregnant when I normally don’t.
Its the hormones. I cried alot. Get angry alot too. But have to control coz bb can feel ur emotions. So i learn to be..... Bo chup! Lol
Always.. it's just hormones.. after u give birth u will still get it till ur menses r back.. den u think back to those times..
Me too! But I just distract myself and don't engage too much in the emotions. I guess its normal. Our hormones.
Normal. Try to think positive. Eat things you like, watch comedy shows or do whatever that makes you happier.
Its normal dear. Hormones are all over the place, you are not alone. Try to have positive self talks :)