My mother in law is so bizarre. She always supports my husband even when it's obvious he's wrong and it makes me feel like the outsider in the family. It's very very frustrating and humiliating. What can I do?

I suggest, stay out of it. Perhaps, she does just to annoy you. She knows that you get irritated by it and she wants just that. Next time, if it happens, just leave the room or the discussion. If she will come to know that you are unaffected by her behaviour, she will stop doing that. And even if she doesn't stop, atlas you will have peace of mind by not listening to what goes on between the two. They are mother and son, let them deal their nonsense, why you take the burden! Leave your husband and mother-in-law for good for a while. Your husband, too, will feel your absence and when he does, then tell him what you feel and how wrong decisions can hamper both of your lives.
Read moreLike it or not, this is how it's going to be for most part of your life. Your husband is your MIL's child, it's obvious she will support him. But don't forget that you are his wife. Whether or not she takes his side, you can always go upto him and tell him where he is wrong. He has to spend the rest of his lief with you and not his mother, so there is likely chance you can slowly and gradually make him understand what hurts you and what you think is best for him. This solution implies even if you live with your in-laws. If you are open to your MIL, you can tell her how you feel.
Read moreIt’s human nature so there tends to be bias in the relationship. Can’t totally avoid it. Try to minimize contact and avoid doing things which mil doesn’t like, if possible. Just have to let it go at times and try not to be affected by the reasonable behavior. It is not worth it as your mil won’t be bothered and understand from your perspective. At the very least, u will still have your own mother and family to support you and fall back on during difficult times. :)
Read moreSighhhh isn't this a common problem everywhere. But then again, which parent won't side their child no matter how bad they are. If the tables are turned, your mom will support you no matter what, I reckon. That being said, in situations like this, best to just let it go and walk away if it's just small matters. Don't pick a fight with MIL, instead have a talk with your husband in private and confront him about his mistakes.
Read moreTo be honest, you really are an outsider in your mother-in-law's eyes. Maybe she's not that confident in your decisions and ideals. Let her get to know you more. If worse comes to worst then have a heart to heart talk with her and let her know that you are bothered by her attitude, clearly maybe you both have issues with one another.
Read moreWell, I would say that her behavior totally resonates with most of the MIL's worldwide. Instead of trying to get validation from your MIL, why does your husband not realize his mistakes by himself? I would work on that more than trying to get your opinions validated (that too from your MIL)
Do you stay with your in laws? If yes, sometimes you have to give in and walk away. Since your mil always sides your husband despite him being the one at fault. There is nothing you can do. Just walk away and calm down... Debating and arguing won't let this matter go any where.
Read moreIn laws are so annoying. I dislike mine too but there’s no way to solve this problem 😭
Suck it up. Nothing you can do about it
I mean *unreasonable behavior.