My mom bought Manzanilla (oil) for my baby, she told me to use it whenever I feel that baby has colic and put some of it on my baby's hands, feet and back before bath time. I told her that our Pedia dont want us to use any oil since it will make the baby skin iritated. My mom told us that she used it on us but we grew up fine. How will I explain that I dont want to use it on my baby.

That's the same thing my mom and mom-in-law told me about when my little one was just a few weeks old. I tried it and luckily, my baby's skin wasn't too sensitive so it didn't get irritated. But, it didn't seem to work either. Thing is, a baby's tummy always sound gassy and babies cry for a lot of reasons so you can't simply assume that it's colic. I just simply told them that I'll consider applying manzanilla if I can't figure out how to calm my baby down in the next few minutes (although I didn't really have any intention of doing so). Just so I can make them feel that their suggestion/s matter. My son's already 29 months old and the bottle of manzanilla bought more than 2 years ago is still untouched.
Magbasa paI will add this as well, both alcamforado and manzanilla Manzanilla FAQ 101 time "Kabag" Aceite de Alcamforado Contains Camphor. Camphor is on the prohibited list issued by NIH, Philippines. Aceite de Manzanilla Do not use this on all children. Repost from thread: Dra. Mon Flores : from a pedia friend: "To all parents, please stop using manzanilla on your kids. It contains dinitrotoluene which is toxic to the liver especially with chronic use. We've had deaths from acute liver failure due to chronic exposure to dinitrotoluene. Thread Archives:
Magbasa paManzanilla was found to be harmful to the liver. Please tell your mom that though you appreciate her concen you would rather heed the pedia's advise and spare your baby from that risk. Show her articles from google so she'll see that you are not making this up. If all else fail, bring your mom with you on your next appointment with the pedia, sometimes they just need a person of authority to tell them that.
Magbasa paI would simply let her know that that was what the doctor suggested. Is your baby's skin more sensitive? I do have friends who tried it on their babies and did not experience any irritation. But if your baby has sensitive skin, just explain that to your mother because everyone is different. What works for one (or even you and your siblings) may not work for your baby. Hopefully she will understand. Good luck!
Magbasa paJust tell her that you will take note of what she has suggested but that you would like to stick to gentler/organic products on your baby. You may want to tell her that there is new research showing that pedia's no longer recommend using this product on infants.
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