5 Replies

There can be many reasons to this. Eversince, she is out in this world, most of the time she has spent in your arms or closer to your bosom, so she feels most secure there, and whenever you put her down, she is being drifted away from the place she likes to be in and she doesn't let you do that by crying. Or, as someone mentioned above, she may be having colic, so you can give her colic drops, and if this is what bothers her, she would be fine after that. If it doesn't work, try wearing your baby. This way she will be close to you and the comfort she wants and you too are free to do your chores.

Hi mummy, I am not sure whether you heard of colic problem that is very common from newborn to 5 months old. There are "winds" in baby's tummy that they do not have the capability to expel it out by themselves. When they have colic, baby tend to be so fussy, struggling and some even refused to drink their milk because of the pain. You can confirm with your paed on this. Normally they will provide colic drop if it happens to be colic. Meanwhile, you can try bicycle kick at home to relieve the pain.

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Have you tried babywearing? Some babies need more attention than others. At this age, they are still very new to the world and need to be close to their parents. Try wearing your baby in a soft-structured carrier, woven wrap or ringsling. That way, you have two hands free to do your chores or whatever you want to do without having to carry your baby. You can also try swaddling her with a muslin cloth. I especially like those from Aden and Anais. http://sg.theasianparent.com/swaddling-101/

Hey dear, baby is sooo tiny. Im not surprised baby wants to be in your arms. Its the assurance and security. She has been in your tummy for 9 months. Try massaging baby, and establishing a routine. A routine helps not just you but also your baby.

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