4 Replies

When I was younger, my parents would keep reminding me that temporary hard work for the exams is nothing compared to the freedom I'd have after they are over and the awesome feeling I'd get after receiving great results. That would keep me going and inspired for my exams. My parents would also let me and my brothers have the occasional treat of cookies and ice cream after the completion of each paper.

Super Mum

By the last day of the exam I would suggest let them revision first and if they have more time then ask them to study new things. This is where they will not get much stress. Also healthy food and good sleep is the best way to feel mentally relax and fit.

It is not simple as it sounds. But Can suggest the following mantra: Eat well, Sleep well and Exercise well during the exams. So to deal with stress of exams kid need to eat healty food, sleep at least 6-8 hours and exercise at least a hours.

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