12 Replies

Breast milk has its advantage over formula milk. If I read your post carefully, I am more concerned about your diet. Occasional indulgence into bubble tea, fast food and instant noodle are acceptable but if this is your regular diet, I would suggest a change. I think it's a win-win for you and baby if u can switch your diet to healthier options and at the same time able to produce better quality breast milk to your baby.

Super Mum

Breastmilk is almost always better because you give your baby protective antibodies. This is regardless of the type of food you eat. However if you’re taking a lot of alcohol or medicines that are not compatible with breastfeeding, then formula is better

VIP Member

Bm is better than fm regardless of the moms diet. Actually bm nutrition is largely the same regardless if the mom takes a good or bad diet. Your body will draw nutrients from your baby for bm.. If your diet is not so good, do eat supplement your minerals.

Super Mum

A mom's diet is unlikely to affect the breastfed baby, it'll only affect the mom. It's always good to breastfeed! This article may explain: https://kellymom.com/nutrition/mothers-diet/mom-diet/

VIP Member

No, bm is always the best! If your diet is unhealthy, your body will get nutrients from your body to provide for the baby.. So it is the moms body that will suffer, do eat more healthly


Actually no matter what you eat bm is still better than fm. If you went on Google even a mother who smoke its still better to bf. So what will think about diet?

I've been bfing for 15 months. I eat all kind of food. They say no seafood no spicy food. I eat mala and chips everyday my meal will have padi. The only thing i avoid will be cold drinls to prevent phlegm, chocolate cos my baby will have diarrhoea and milk killer food. I am taking all the necessary vitamins. My girl is growing well and happy healthy i dont see a issue. I guess believe in yourself is most important you are responsible for your baby not others.

Your diet will not affect the baby imo. The baby will get the same nutrients from you no matter what you eat. It will only affect your own health.

breast milk is still best..pls take care of your own health too. baby is actually taking ur body's calcium & iron storage. u must replenish them.

Personally I would continue breastfeeding. If you feel the nutrients are not adequate you can opt to take multivitamins.

I am taking fish oil, multivitamin, calcium and probiotics! Just in case my diet not healthy enough:(

VIP Member

Everytime I asked about my baby diet, paeds will return me a question "are you happy with your baby weight?" 😄

Same like mine, 25th percentiles but doctor said it's not a concern😊i see my boy is very active too. So should be alright. Maybe he inherited the slim gene..

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