Hi mummies, is it possible to just direct latch at night on weekdays and whole day on weekends without pumping at all during weekdays daytime? Thank you loads.

If you don't suffer from engorgement from not pumping for the whole day it should be OK. But your supply will definitely drop a lot (my supply dropped to 1/4 after going back to work, even though I pump once daily), and while baby can still latch it is mostly for comfort and won't be enough to feed exclusively breastmilk. You should supplement with formula even on weekends when you're latching the whole day since the supply is already low and baby's demand will keep increasing
Read morePossible... b4 I returned work I did so. Even now I returned from work, I latch her to sleep and latch her during weekends.
Yes it's possible. Only when your LO food intake is mainly on Solids. If your LO is below 1, it's still recommend to pump
I tried to reduce no of Times pumped on weekdays due to work constraint but my supply dipped a little!
Latching will increase the milk supply faster as compared to pumping as there is suction from baby
yes. I have been doing that for the past 1 year till today with no problems m
yes, I'm doing that cos my baby refuse bottle feeding
yes, but there's a risk ur supply might drop
Is this really possible? Wouldn't supply drop?
Of course:)
Mother to a clingy yet handsome junior