15 Replies


Baby wipes should do the trick since it's safe and contains no alcohol. It also cools down any nipple sores from baby latching. This is what my friend told me.

VIP Member

I don't wash. I bought air tight lock n lock and store my pump parts inside then place in fridge until next pump. I have no time to wash at work.

It's ok not to wash the pump parts and use it again for the next pump?

Use nipple wipes and also standby nipple cream. In case, nipple gets too sore from pumpong and latching

Super Mum

I used baby wipes at first, but lately don't bother cleaning lol. Too time consuming

VIP Member

Used baby wet wipes to clean up after pumping, stored in my pump bag.

Pigeon baby wipes meant for cleaning baby mouth is good enough. :)

VIP Member

I don't and to be honest, there's no need to.

VIP Member

Bought nipple wipes, not yet to try out.

VIP Member

Used moist cloth to wipe clean them.

Tissue... Or wet wipes

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