9 Replies

VIP Member

Yup, normal. My girl was not able to fully support her head until after 5 months. She didn’t like tummy time and would often cry after only a few minutes. However, it seemed like she just wasn’t ready during the early months. At 5 months, it just came naturally to her. She lasted longer during tummy times. Meanwhile, just continue to let him do tummy times no matter how short the duration is. You can also improvise by letting him lie on her tummy on your tummy, burp him on your thighs and put him against your chest, chin above your shoulder and let him lift her head instinctively to see you. Every baby has his own pace. Do not stress about it too much.

Super Mum

Try putting him on your chest while you’re lying down. So he has he incentive to look up at you. If he’s doing tummy time on a mat, you can lie down on the mat beside him so he can see your face. Even if baby cries, it’s okay as long as he can breathe. Try keeping him on his tummy for 30 seconds first, pick him up for a cuddle, then put him back for another 30 seconds. If you do this every day, soon he’ll be able to last longer:) When carrying baby, carry him upright with his chin resting against your shoulder, and your other hand supporting the back of his neck. So he can try looking up from your shoulder and strengthen his neck.

I incorporate tummy time into her nightly massage after bath. I will put her onto her tummy and do massage on her back and legs, not for long around 2-3mins but just to get her used to it. Maybe u can try massage her on her back first then turn her over n try to increase the length of time on tummy slowly. Start off with 30s to 1 min then slowly increase each time.

Super Mum

Some babies don't like tummy time because of tummy pain, you can check first and make sure there's no gas built up or pain in the tummy. My daughter also didn't like tummy time at first, then we found out she had reflux so when we took care of that the tummy time also improved.

I did tummy time since 1mo after bath every morning while giving him back massage. When baby still couldn't lift his head I put a small baby bolster underneath his armpits for support. Sometime let him face colourful toys or play music so he wont cry.

VIP Member

Yes,tummy time helps! You can put your baby on you as you lie down. Just talk or sing to your baby to keep him focused. You can learn more methods to do tummy time by seeing Youtube videos. There’s a lot of resources out there

VIP Member

My babies can lift their heads at 2mo cause i did tummy time alot! A few times in a day

Super Mum

Normal. Just be persistent and do tummy time

Yes don't worry. Just practice more

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