
any mummies' lo likes to stand alot? my lo gg 2months soon, always wants to stand everytime she wakes up. if i dowan to carry her to stand, she would cry and keep lifting up her legs ??‍♀️she will even 'talk' to me in her baby language ? cute but tiring ??

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Super Mum

My LO had good neck control at 6 weeks and was super kaypoh.. looking around at everything and didn’t want to just lay there too. Haha. But I still carried her to let her chin rest on my shoulder for safety. It’s actually normal for your LO to lift the legs, and she may want to be carried or cuddled. I would be a little more careful about making her stand too much, especially if her neck control isn’t very strong yet. Take care:)

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VIP Member

Hi mummy! Your baby is still very small! Personally I would not encourage to help her stand, or carry her in a upright position..

5y ago

yeap i do take note of that! she alr have strong neck support and can support her feet too.i just have to hold firmly onto her. and thats the only way she gets tired and will go to sleep 😬shes a bigger size baby 🥵