Increase Breastmilk Supply
Hello Mummies, Can anyone share an effective way to boost up breastmilk supply ? Been pumping every 6 hours for past couple of weeks since delivery of my baby and managed to pump 60ml - 80ml. Tried to pump every 3-4 hours but not much milk will be produced. Only a few drops. Feeling rather affected over this as I really want to BF my baby fully. Currently alternating FM and BF.

Hi dear, you’ll need to drink like 3L of fluids daily, and eat well (well balanced diet, nourishing food). You may need to pump every 2-3 hours during the day time, because you need to keep emptying the breasts for your body to know that it needs to produce milk faster. Power pumping (just an example) means pumping for 10 minutes, resting for 5 minutes, pumping again for 10 minutes, resting for 5 minutes, and pumping once more for 10 minutes. I use the Philips Avent Electric pump, which has a gentle stimulation mode. Sometimes after I’ve pumped till there’s no more milk coming out, I use that mode again (while looking at pictures of my baby), and it triggers off another letdown reflex, so more milk comes out again:) Also, direct latching is a lot more powerful that pumps in repeatedly triggering letdown reflexes and emptying the breasts completely, if baby sucks well. So if you can, latch your LO on on demand, then pump in between. (You can pump less at night, because sleep is very important for milk supply too). Oh, and feeing stressed drops the milk supply greatly too, so try to relax. Breast milk is great, but many mums don’t have enough milk supply in the first month, so don’t feel bad at all about giving formula:) and even if you have to continue giving formula in the subsequent months, that’s perfectly fine too. You’re doing a great job in giving whatever breast milk you can to your LO :)
Read moreWhat works for me is Milo Durian Oat biscuit (can check out my post which kind) Barley water Threadfin fish Green papaya fish soup. Hope it helps!
Read moreDrink lots of water, eat avocado. pump after latching. be regular when pumping, every 3 hrs.
I was same as u, how many weeks is your bb? Milo helps!
3rd week only :) each of us is different and unforunately for us our supply is slower or lesser. I have your situation till last week which is my week 7, a few days ago i start having 10ml more lol.. lets hang on there!
Try power pumping. Keep hydratrd
Here you go It doesn't matter if there's not much output at any point of the power pumping. The idea is to mimic growth spurt. Try replacing one of your pumping sessions with power pump for a few days.
Mummy To A Son