Is it okay?
Hi mummies, im a mum of a 2 month old baby. And i dont breast feed since i gave birth cus it was a tiring process for me. I’ve been stressing out about people telling me to breastfeed bla bla bla. But i didnt cus nobody supports me at home. I do all the work, i take care of my baby, i do housechores, i barely have a full sleep cus its all on me. Please tell me its okay not to breastfeed, cus its irritating wherever i go, ppl tell me its better fo breastfeed WHICH I KNOW!

Hi Siti, I've always believed in this quote "those who mind don't matter, and those matter don't mind". Indeed every mothers (and others, not only limited to mothers) are faced with different sets of issues be it at home or work or peers, and bearing in mind different people have different sets of tolerance to handle different situations. In short, different people different perspectives. If you can't bf because of the amount of pressure, then so be it. It doesn't necessarily mean that you want the easy way out; it's just you using a different method to handle the situation. Moreover, babies will still grow well with formula milk. The pressures on bf can be relentless but again, those who mind don't matter, and those matter don't mind. I have stopped bf at 2 weeks of birth for my baby girl due to a variety of reasons, and I have surroundings who have been nagging at me about bf, but who cares? My girl is drinking so well with her formula milk, I am having a life of time with sufficient sleep, and I don't have a helper either except an excellent husband by my side through the ups and downs. So the only person who is able to judge you now is your baby; if your baby is not making a fuss over formula milk, then just go with it! I hope you will see the silver lining during this period and know that tough times will be over soon! Stay strong and stay sane!
Read moreIt’s totally ok. Different parents have different way to deal with parenting and that includes feeding. If feeding fm to your baby relieves some of your stress and allow you to be able to take care of your kid better, why not? Ultimately, a happy parent will result in a happy baby. Fm is not poison. I myself had fed fm to my twins though I am able to produce enough fm for them. I was so stressed out, having to pump milk often while hearing them crying out for me. I had help but still I felt overwhelmed taking care of them while pumping that I decided to feed fm. I was able to handle them much better after that and I was able to manage my emotion a lot easier which result in calming the babies a lot faster. So do what you can to survive the first few years and try to ignore the advices given by outsiders. It’s always easy to say than do.
Read moreIt’s a choice. Don’t need to care about what other people say. To put you at ease, you can also read a book - Cribsheet by Emily Oster. There is no real long term benefit to breastfeed tracked anyways. Everybody claimed breast is best. However the short term benefit is just less colic. Ultimately the true differentiating factor is the mother’s happiness and socioeconomic background that determines whether the child (breastfeed or formula feed) is better off in life. In the olden days, pre formula milk days, everybody breast fed. We don’t see everybody became Kennedy or Bill Gates - right. It’s their family upbringing that make them who they are. So no worries and chill. You be you and your child would benefit from a happy mom.
Read moreDun ever let any ppl make u feel u r nt good enuf.. Its totally ok not to bf... i stopped bf in between confinement..mostly bcuz im tired and theres no enuf milk coming out... It was depressing when ur bb push u away bcux she knws she is nt getting any milk frm u... U can do it girl! but u need to take gd care of urself too ya.. To those commentors who undermine her...if u hv nth better to say or not supportive..juz dun comment... we shud give support to fellow mums in such scenerio...
Read moreyep, it's perfectly fine mummy! i've been giving my lo since birth as my bm supply is low. and i just totally gave up latching/pumping after since i need to return to work and i don't wanna stress myself out over this. plus my lo is almost 6 months and she's perfectly healthy! who says you NEED to have bm in order to be healthy, your life your way mummy!
Read moreHey its alright! Don't feel bad. I am in the same situation as you. I fed my lo fm since birth. I do hate it when people tried to *blame* me for not breastfeeding my lo. Your kid your say. Do what you want for the sake of your sanity. My lo grew up healthy and have all the nutrients required via fm.
My situation was the same, i gave my daughter poweder milk n she has grown fine. You do whats good for u n ur health n mental health as well cause if u fall sick nobody will take care of u. Dont worry this phase will pass till than just tell urself 1 day at a time
Hey it’s alright ya? I grew up drinking formula also. And I’m fine. No worries mommy don’t care and ignore what they say, u know ur child best, and I understand when everything is on u. So no worries mommy, keep it up. Your doing really well.
Nope! Don’t feel bad! Mummy’s mental health is just as important! It’s very tiring I know. I’ve got great help from in laws and it is still tiring! So don’t feel bad! As long as your baby is well fed, ure doing great!
I do all the housework at home while having to standby 24/7 to take care of my baby and his 8yr old bro,so too stress for breast feeding after one month.Just go for formula milk,take care of your own well being 1st.