2 Replies

Super Mum

For most people who induce, they will get the cervix dilated to 10cm eventually, just that it can take very long (>24hrs). And just because someone goes into labour spontaneously, doesn’t mean they will definitely progress to 10cm either. Doctors recommend induction if you don’t go into labour spontaneously by 41 weeks, because of the risk to baby staying inside the womb beyond that duration. I’m glad baby’s healthy and is growing well:) If you’re hoping for a shorter labour, then natural is probably the better way to go (with 41 weeks as the limit), but if you really can’t wait for baby to be out, then it’s also okay to induce. 3.3kg is an okay weight for baby to be pushed out naturally.. not too big. Whether natural or induced, when you’re in active labour, it is really painful. So if that’s a concern to you, please take whatever painkillers they offer you. Don’t worry about epidural slowing down the progress. Once they sort out the pain control, they can start the drip to increase the contractions. Hopefully, whether natural or induced, the 10cm will come quickly and you can hold your baby sooner:) Remember to practise your breathing and pushing too. Because getting to 10cm is only one step. You’ll need all the energy and strength you can get to push baby out. Between vaginal delivery (natural/induced) and C section, it is my personal preference for vaginal delivery. I prefer to be able to get out of bed quickly after delivery so I can take care of baby. Congratulations in advance!


VIP Member

Induced! I was induced at wk38d5.

Uhh. I guess it did help with a little of the pain 🙊

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