39w6d still no signs of labor
still no signs of labor. did you choose to induce or wait till labor begins naturally? how long your gynae allows you to exceed the edd?

On subsidy both kids. My #1 waited till 41 weeks, induce and give birth next day at NUH. My #2 waited till 40 weeks, supposedly induce, but didnt proceed and give birth two days later at KKH. Both child were at 3cm dilated, #1 was on one week dilating, #2 was on two days dilating. Safe delivery for both. It depend on gynae/subsidy doctor if they do allow you to hold till EDD or give extra a week after EDD.
Read moreI also had no contractions and wasn't dilated. my gyane actually allowed me to wait till week 40 but I couldn't bear the pelvic pain that I requested to induce at 39W5D. I gave birth 14 hours later, baby weighing 3.5kg. I was a private patient at KKH.
My gynae gave me till edd to induce. Which ended up in failed induce, 3 times, cause poor progress no dilation end up emergency csect. Most kkh gynae allow until the day after edd to avoid any conplication etc but some i heard allowed till 41 weeks
I waited til 40+5. 6th pregnancy. did not induce as I was already 4cm but not in labour so they broke my waterbag. Gave birth 2½hrs later baby weighing 3864g. my first born also waited til 40+4 weighing 3905g.
My gynae gave me until EDD to induce, end up 3 days before my water bag broke and bleeding so went straight to hospital and ended up with natural birth
My gynae gave me till my edd to go in to induce since i have prediabetes. I had contractions the night before i had to admit..
My gynae allowed me to wait but had to induce at 40w3d as amniotic fluid was low.
TMC, I don’t know my AFI cause i went for routine scan then he just told me, low fluid, induce tonight. Everything came too quickly he didn’t give me my scan for that visit as well 😅.