31 Replies

When i was 8 weeks pregnant, i didnt feel anyting. I tot my menses got haywire in dec coz i do have times that i only have brown blood n it stops after nxt day on n off. Didnt suspect anyting and i not one who easily feel feverish then. So my colleague ask me to test 😂😂 its good there are no morn sickness etc isnt it!

Having cramps and bleeding is the worst symptoms and is dangerous. No symptoms is the best. I have no nausea and no symptoms too and current in trimester 3 already. Don’t worry too much.

don’t worry, some have no symptoms. if have, usually more prominent around week 8 on such as nausea etc.. stay positive be happy and just wait for your appointment! all the best :)

Super Mum

Hi dear, having cramps or bleeding is abnormal. Not having symptoms is the best! I had nausea from as early as 3 weeks and was miserable. Haha. Congratulations to you anyway!

VIP Member

6 weeks may be too early for any symptoms to be shown. I had my first morning sickness at week 7 and I was told its considered early already. No worries mummy!

Cramps and bleed are bad symptoms. Why do you want to have it? I have no symptoms (no vomit, no cramp, no bleed) and everything is good. Consider urself lucky

Hi everyone responds differently to pregnancy. I had no symptoms too. Am at 26 weeks now and have no nausea no vomiting or cravings. Am thankful for that!

Hi mummies. Jus to update.. I wen for my scanning n doc measured me 6 w4days. We say the heart flickering.. so happy. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

dun worry mommy! i had no symptoms too. only felt bloated n breast tenderness much much much later as tummy, breasts n baby grow! in fact, u may tend to worry more if u bleed n feel nauseous bcos u can't eat and scared that something happened or did not eat sufficiently for baby!!

Hi, I also didn't feel any symptoms like morning sickness or anything.. Just be calm and visit your gynae... everything will be fine.

dont worry. 6 weeks too early. i dont have extreme symptoms till 23rd week (baby kicking) which i found out i was pregnant then lol

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