Hi mama, I hear you’re concerned that your baby may be too heavy or large for natural birth? Truth is, most ftm birth naturally at 41.3weeks and, if you read about big babies, it’s not necessarily a cause for a c-section. There’s an evidence based article regarding this that you might be interested to read. There’s an audio file that you can listen to as well: https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-for-induction-or-c-section-for-big-baby/ Further, scans are not as accurate as we’d like them to be and are very often a few hundred grams off. My gynae told me that I’d be birthing a 3.6kg baby or thereabouts but he rushed to weigh my son when he was out and he weighed 4.019kgs :) and yes, he was birthed naturally. I always believe we will be given babies suited for our bodies. Birth is physiological - or mamas before us without all the science and medicine would not have been able to birth so bravely and confidently :) Whatever you decide mama, it’s your choice :)
From what I hear around my friends, I think most gynae would ask to induce at week 38. My gynae also ask me to consider inducement since week 38. Not sure why you want to induce at week 38, but for me I waited til my EDD before I decide to induce. Ultimately, it still just week 38, and your baby supposedly is not "expected to be due yet". Also, I think if your body is not ready for labour yet (esp no dilation), having induce too early would usually lead to failed inducement and result in emergency csec. Ask for your gynae advise and the choice is always yours. Whatever the decision you make, jiayous! 💪
Take the gynae’s advice. Best to wait till your EDD if possible? Although it’s full term, the extra days baby stays inside can help the lungs develop even more.