Mummies, how often did you exercise post delivery? Many mums are too busy breastfeeding or with other chores to even spare time to exercise.

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With some planning and sharing of workload, it is quite possible to squeeze some time (and energy) out for a workout session. For example, have a cleaning schedule for the family (great guide here: Create one that fits your family (which I suppose is between you and your partner now), would doing a bit every day work or spending some time over the weekend for chores be more suitable? Divide (the chores) and conquer! Having the schedule will get the chores out of the way and one less thing to think about. Also, when your baby's feeding schedule is more routine, it will be easier to plan and manage your time. I personally feel that having a plan written out makes things clearer. Having everything in the head just makes it seemed as though the day is very cluttered with many things to be completed. Not sure if it will work for you. Give it a try and see how it goes? Get your hubby to help look after the baby and also with the chores. It is important to have some time out for yourself even if it is not to exercise. Take care!!

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