Expressing Milk
Hi mummies, how much milk do you express per pumpimg session? My baby is 3months old and I've been able to express averagely around 80 to 100ml. Is this considered too little?

There is no such thing as too little milk as long as it meets your baby's needs. Just try latching more often or eat some lactation cookies to help with the output if you think it's low. But in my opinion, I don't think its low :)
Try power pumping! Or skip some pump sessions if possible to get more rest. My baby is a month old and I realise if I go for longer stretches bwtn pumps, say 4—5 hours I can produce about 160ml, 30% more than my usual yield.
As long as enough for bb I pump about 500-600ml every 2 hours Sometimes maybe 300-400 if he suckles and after that I continue pumping The more the demand the more the supply
Read moreIf that's why your baby is drinking its OK. My baby drink 180ml 3 hourly at 3 month old. My 1 pump session is about 400ml - 450ml 4 to 5 hourly.
Yup it's OK! I'm close to 4mths post partum and I only express about 90ml total but it's enough for my baby so I'm not stressed about it
You are lucky...I could only manage a fraction of what you
if it’s enough to feed baby then no it’s not too little