Giddy At Week 38
Hi mummies have been feeling very giddy recently. Is this normal? Sometimes it's like something spinning in my head.. So uncomfortable.

Might lack of iron.. get ur gynae do a quick test and for the moment try eat a bit more food with iron..i did get this issue before
It does happen.. But please check with your gynae too.. He will know your condition best
Hi, These experiences happen but it is best to check with your gynae
I think u better start taking hospitalisation leave to rest at home
Hi... this is not normal. Please seek advise from your gynecologist
Giddiness does happen but do check with your gynae ya. Rest well!
Do you have high bp? If yes, please approach ur gynae asap.
Ya.. have been feeling the same too. On those days i just take MC
Yep. Rest more!!
Yes. It's normal
A First Time Mom To Learn And Share My Experience.