6 Replies

hi yes I have experienced (threatened miscarriage) which could have endangered myself n the baby . i was pregnant with my first at that point of time . lost it at 6weeks 6days , I was experiencing bleeding . fatigue . pain in the lower abdomen and you feel ( like you need to take a dump but blood keeps flowing ) the pain that never stops .. ( like period cramp but worst ) went to A&E checked for further bleeding did cervix check , ultrasound n blood test . Yeap....... it was threatened miscarriage 😊somehow baby was outside of womb ... stop thinking negatively, it may affect the baby .. I was stress , paranoid , anxiety worrying if I did the right thing throughout the first pregnancy , cause I always want it to be "perfect " .. get me ?? always be happy and positive .. every pregnancy is wonderful n hope you're doing well 💪😊

do u mean threatened miscarriage? if yes, I encountered before - tried going to the nearest Sengkang hospital when bleeding (quite abit of bright red colour blood and abit of small blood clot) and the outside registration staff asked why I din go to KKH and so I immediately went to KKH A&E and did an ultrasound and cervix check and was told baby heart still beating so doc asked if want to do blood test to check on my HCG level I think...but lucky my test result was OK so I don't need to take extra pills and just need more bed rest. think u can read up on it - https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/types-of-miscarriage

yup, I'm fine, baby gal is already 3mths plus =)


I had a missed miscarriage last year Feb. Was supposed to go for a gender check-up unfortunately found out that my baby has no heartbeat. No bleeding, no cramps, nothing at all to indicate a miscarriage. It was only during the 20week ultrasound found out heartbeat is not heard and my baby has died in womb at 16weeks. Was told to induce thereafter. I truly understand how you are feeling. I hope you are doing okay.

I didn't realise it though. I went for a check-up in mid Jan 2021 and doc says was normal, even heard my baby's heartbeat. Then on 9th Feb 2021, the gender check-up reveal was when I found out my baby no more heartbeat. However, I did feel cramping sensation on my lower body and hands whenever I lie down which disappears if I change position but I brushed it off thinking it's normal tho a few days after the Jan check-up. I pray all will goes well for you, darls. Think happy thoughts ❤️❤️

I had spotting in dark brown color for about a week when I was at week 8. The day before my gynae appointment, i got blood cord discharge in dark red. During ultrasound at KKH, the nurse could not detect my baby’s heartbeat and baby size measured about week 6 only. I went for second checkup at private gynae and it’s confirmed missed miscarriage.

I had missed miscarriage for my 1st pregnancy, there were no signs when it happened. I only found out when I was due for an ultrasound. I know how you're feeling cause I'm in that situation too. I had to keep doing breathing exercises to keep myself calm now that I'm pregnant again.

Im so sorry for your loss 😭 The worst feeling ever 😭 Not knowing baby had passed on in tummy without any signs 🥺 I couldnt imagine how im gonna react if its gonna happen to me. Always pray hard everytime i enter the scanning room 🤲🏻

I had miscarriage last year for my 1st pregnancy. I had a bad cramp and find out I'm bleeding. Went to kkh and did an cervix check, and baby was not there anymore.

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