Hi Mummies & Daddies, When should I start baby led weaning? Is it necessary? Can I skip till my baby is ready? Thank you!

Hi there. It is not necessary but I understand how u feel caz like other babies are doing it right? I tried once or twice BLW then back to purée then now it's mainly purée but sometimes when go out or dinner, when we adults are eating, we will give baby snack to eat via BLW style - like biscuit or cut fruits - but it is not really his main meal as I alrdy fed him some food alrdy. Some babies like BLW some like spoon feed so adjust lor. I will only do BLW if I got help to clean up - e.g. Dinner time or wkend. If I by myself during day time, I won't really BLW. When baby can sit well, can take things n put in mouth - can BLW le. But up to u
Read moreI start BLW when bb was 5+ months then 6 Mths I went back to puree cause I want him to take in food. Since by 1 yr old their main should be solid already n this means that bb has only 6 Mths to be ready for solid. Also because bb is not growing much which means milk alone is insufficient for my bb. Even though I seldom do BLW like less than 10x my bb can self feed(yet with spoon)very well at 7+ month n when I tried doing it outside once he received compliments that he can eat very well
Read moreActually for a start my bb hates solid. But keep trying. Now he is a very gd eater and eat almost everything n can handle all those adult food (non puree) ie. rice, corn flakes, full grape etc
also, introducing BLW means baby won't be taking in much food, more of playing. it's really fun but you have to tahan the mess. I like BLW is because LO can learn to grasp food, learn to eat themselves. and it's good for their sensory system. But have to close eyes on the mess. like puree, have to keep trying and trying. baby won't immediately know tht it's food and they will need guidance. your baby eat whatever you eat. they will mimick your action if you eat tgt with him/her.
Read morejiayou mummy!
Hi, Yes, in my opinion, I would skip it till my baby is ready for it. You know babies are very smart, and when your baby would be ready for it, you would know because he would tell you by his actions. Also, all babies are different. Some babies take time to adjust to new food and simply reject in the evening. But if you want to begin it then you can start after say after 9 months or so, when the baby is able to sit nicely without any strain or discomfort or support.
Read moreThanks ☺ This is what I think so!
The best recommended time to start BLW is when your LO is able to sit up right straight on their own. Secondly, depends on individual babies, some takes a longer time to accept even solid feeding be it BLW or puree feeding. Yes you can totally skip it till your baby is ready. As baby below 1 depends mainly on milk for nutrients intake
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I would not say it is necessary. I would wait till baby is ready. Like the mom above mentioned, babies are extremely smart. Do not underestimate them. Let baby grow at his own pace and observe from there. I tried led weaning, baby is 6 months old. Then i stopped and went back to puree. Trail and error dear :)
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yes, best wait till your baby is ready. able to sit down on his/her own without support, lose the tongue thrust reflex, head is steady (:
Thanks ☺
I started BLW when my baby was about 8 months old. She sat during dinner time with us. Gave her baby puffs to grab and eat.
Thanks ☺
Mum of a little munchkin