Hi mummies, do you believe in 十二生肖相冲? I am born in the year of Tiger and my son is in the year of Monkey. My parents and in laws were saying about me and my son 相冲 and is very serious matter. I am worried and I don't know is it true. I don't know what should I do?

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I'd say I don't believe it too much, but then again - I feel that things like zodiac and horoscope helps me understand my life better. My parents are born in the year of the Tiger, me in Ox and my son in Monkey. I'd say that I don't believe in clashes, but it does help me to understand our personalities better - eg. my son is really cheeky like a monkey, but he's also very smart while he's at it. I think you can just use it as a way to understand yourself and your son better, but I believe that it's up to us as parents to guide them along their lives and give them the needed support - even if we do have clashes from time to time (whether it's because of zodiac or not).

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