ectopic pregnancy
hi Mommy. I have gone through an ectopic pregnancy and has been remove together with the right fallopian tube. anyone experience the same before? how long did you wait for the next pregnancy?

i got my rght fallopian tube removed on feb 2018 n was very devastated at tat time thinking i'll nver get pregnant n afraid mybe it will took quite some time to get preggy again..but just have faith..guess what..just 4 months after my laproscopic surgery due to my ectopic prgnncy..i'm pregnant! now im 38weeks++ already..have faith n hope sure u'll get prgnant like me too❤
Baca lagiI have gone through the same.Ectopic pregnancy in april 2017 n my right tube was removed. I figured it out myself that it happens because im a smoker and I can't get pregnant if I didn't quit. I get pregnant right after I quit smoking in October 2018 n now im on my 18weeks of pregnancy. Good luck..
Haiiii,i have experience with ectopic pregnancy in 2017, im i feel so blessed after 9 month i pregnant again which now im 20 weeks pregnant with my 4th child, so dont worry sometimes god have so miracle to give us dont stop pray for it😘
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after 4mths i conceived again but blighted ovum, then after 9 mths i conceived and delivered my rainbowbaby in Jun'17. now pregnant again, 33wks . it is not difficult to conceive if u know the body rule.
Someone posted this few days ago maybe you can look it up n share experiences with her.