Fried Rice For Baby
Mommy, can i give my 1 year old son eat fried rice? If you have good recipe can share with me.
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7 bulan pun boleh.. tumis bwg, halia ke pastu masuk kan ayam/daging/ikan, carrot kalau bby dh pass telur boleh je masukkan.. kalau ada chicken stock sendiri takde garam gula lagi sedap.. letak la bayam ke sawi ke.. nak letak serbuk pepper/mixed herbs pun boleh
VIP Member
Boleh 😘 nasi (texture bergantung kpd baby), Tumis Bawang ,masukkan ayam/Udang/Sayur/Telur/bilis as you like. Done! For me, kdg2 I letak tomato paste/chicken stock. Hehehe.. come follow my ig, we can exchange idea 😘😘 @anak_momma
Boleh sis letak carrot, kacang pis untuk lebih sedap tapi jgn letak garam..pastu masuk la ayam halus2 baru sedap.
Super Mum
..learning from the comments. Thanks!.💕
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