pls help

hi mommies,i just ask this behalf of my fren, now she pregnant 7 weeks ,wen check wit upt its positive but at gh said can't see the baby n suspect baby sangkut kat tiub follopion... then they gv 2 weeks time for scan again n confirm... little confuse her last period on 14 feb, but on feb she nvr make love wit husband, she make love on march 10 selang seli... so is it possible she ovulate witout period on march.. on april she check upt +ve.. n one more question y baby stil cant see? mayb baby too small or wrongly calculate of last period... anybody pls help ..

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same kes dgn sy. first scan 6 minggu. doc kata xnpk apa so suspect ectopic.. dia refer kat HKL.. sampai ke doc pakar cek tp xjumpa apa2.. upt test mmg positif pregnant. doc pakar decide buat blood test cos more accurate.. after two days datang hospital lagi cek darah, hcg meningkat. so ambik darah lagi, hcg meningkat lagi. its a good sign means that janin sedang berkembang, so that day juga doc scan bawah cos lagi jelas kan.. tu first time nampak kantung, n doc pun sah kan sy xda ektopik pregnancy.. syukur.. 😄😄😄😄 skrg dah 13weeks pregnant. hopefully baby growing healthy 🙂🙂

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sy 3 kali scan baru confirm nampak baby..1st scan at 4 weeks utk confirmkan cuma nampak rahim tebal..but +ve upt..dokter bagi appoitment lagi 3 minggu utk tngok balik scan just nampak kantung masa tu 7 weeks..then dokter bg lagi appoitment utk jumpa balik untuk tngok baby berkembang ke tak lagi 2 weeks..masa tu alamost 10 weeks dtg scan balik baru nampak baby and heartbeat..alhamdulillah..biasanya kalau luar rahim awal scan dah boleh 1st pergnant luar rahim..masa 6 weeks dokter sahkan baby luar rahim and terus refer ke EPAU utk buat laparoscopic ectopic surgery..

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6y ago

berapa lama you tunggu for the second pregnancy?

Sama macam kes saya...Saya last period 3/2/2019.. tapi 20/3/2019 check upt,hasil negatif... Pujuk hati mybe akan period on april...Tapi bila masuk april,breast,pinggang semua dah mula sakit..ingatkan nak period..Tunggu jugak,kot lah 3/4/2019 tu period..Tetapi tak period pun... 8/4/2019 buat upt,hasil positif.... 13/4 pergi klinik buat scan,janin ada tapi saiz kecik(6 week).. doc pesan suruh dtg scan after 2 week...Doakan sy,semoga dipermudahkan & baik-baik semuanya..aamiin... Due date saya kena ikut dari hasil scan🙈🙊.

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lebih kurang sama mcm kire baby pertama sya..sya try upt + pastu p jmp xnmpk apa2..katenya gugur la or luar rahim..sya x puas hati pastu bila masuk 7w sya p check up ag dc. bgth Alhamdulillah kantung de kecik jdnya baby dlm rahim x nmpk ag..masuk minggu ni dh 8w dan hujung minggu ni sya de checkup..mommy² smua jgn lupe doa sya moga smua dipermudahkan dan baby sihat hendakNya..

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Saya ada pengalaman yg sama... G klinik awalnya doktor kata gugur sbb tak nampak baby.. Bila refer kt emergency masa tu pelik sbb takde tanda2 gugur pun.. Jadi mereka refer pada pakar. So follow up dgn pakar memang tak nampak baby masa tu 8weeks dan test upt negative pula.. Tp mereka tak tergesa2..,Tunggu sampai 12weeks then checkup baru nampak baby..

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The best to ask is the attending doctor. But as she did not have any pain, it might be early pregnancy. No need to worry. This is where we need to wait and see. Scan in another 2 weeks. If any pain please meet doctor immediately. Due date will be given based on the earliest scan where they can see the fetus later, if it doesn't correlate with her last menses

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last period saya around 16 feb. sekarang dah 9 weeks. last week pergi buka buku pink, masa scan doc kata tak nampak apa, gelap je nampak bayang bulat kecik. jadi dia suruh tunggu lagi sebulan (next checkup) baru scan balik. tapi around 10-12 weeks nanti saya nak pergi scan sendiri di klinik luar.

VIP Member

klu period regular(28hari)dlm 2mgu aftr last period adlh masa ovulation, klu x regular ada kemungkinan boleh sangkut.hari tu sy scan 14w tp dlm scan 12w, so next week pegi scan klinik lain mmg ikut tarikh last period 15w. doc tu bgtau mesin scan yg doc pki sblm ni x accurate.hehe.ntahla.

sy pun masa mula2 scan 5 week nmpk kantung je.patut 7 week from last date period. then i calculate ikut scan doc tu .masa tu baru 11 week tp g buka buku pink doc scan ngam pulak dgan date period .skrang dh 14 week. xpe dear take care makn mknan bkhasiat.byk kn berdoa.

rasanya btl maybe baru 3-5week.. sbb masa scan dlu dlm umur 5week tp alhamdulillah la nampak kantung... just baby mmg xnampak lg sbb terlampau kecik... doktor kata 8week keatas baru nampak baby... tu pon kecik je... just dgr jantung dr.kata