40 Balas

Hi Gina, Nak tnya camne caranya utk menyusukn baby utk ibu yg tidak mmpunyai puting.. Tq

puting tenggelam atau flat? Masih boleh menyusukan anak. Susu datangnya dari dalam payudara dan bukannya dari puting, untuk menyempurnakan baby latch, boleh cuba guna 'nipple shield'. Dapatka pertolongan daripada salah seoran TBAN Breastfeeding Counselor ye : : https://www.facebook.com/TBAN.BFC/

Nak Tanya I'm 39 weeks pregnant can does my body produce breast milk by now?

Hi gina.. My daughter only breastfeed for 5 to 10 minutes.. Is it normal?

it can be normal, as long as your baby is happy and growing

Hi Gina , is it true when bf to our baby ...our weight will be loss ?

Can i diet while breastfeeding? I'm overweight

How old is your baby? You should not be thinking about ‘dieting’ before baby is 1 year old. Do not take those ‘diet pills or drinks’ as losing weight too quickly could impact your milk production. However, it’s a good idea to choose a healthy balanced diet, ensuring you take lots of fruits and vegetables, adequate protein and not over-eating the simple carbs like rice, noodles and breads. Remember to drink plenty of water, and continue to breatfeed. Eating healthily and breastfeeding should help you become fitter and thus help you achieve a healthy weight. iI you still need help in losing weight after your baby is 1 year old, do seel consultation from a nutritionist, dietician or a fitness consultant.

VIP Member

Right side breast hurt after breastfeed. Is it normal..

Nipple also hurt

C🐺🐯🦌🐂🐮🐮🐅 VC from a

Macam mane cara nak pilih pam susu yang berkualiti?

saya memang tak syorkan mommy beli pump. Gunakan tangan untuk mengekspresikan susu adalah cara yang paling efektif dan murah. Sebenarnya pump kebanyakkan melukakan payudara. belajarlah gunakan tangan

Hai Gina, waktu bilakah susu dada akan keluar?

Thanks Gina


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