Ask The Expert- Probiotics for Kids: The Secret Weapon for Early Gut Health and Overall Wellness!

๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป Feel free to drop your questions in the comments below, whether in English or Bahasa Malaysia. ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป Hey there, TAP app users! Is your little one frequently falling sick, crying from stomach aches or constipation, or dealing with allergies and eczema? ๐Ÿค’๐Ÿคข๐Ÿ˜ข These could be signs of poor gut health. ๐Ÿฆ  Fret not, join us for our Ask The Expert session with Dr Ong Sik Yong, where he'll be sharing insights and answering all your questions on "Probiotics for Kids: The Secret Weapon for Early Gut Health and Overall Wellness! ๐Ÿ“… Date: 24 July - 31 July 2024 Dr Ong Sik Yong from Sunway Medical Centre specialises in General Paediatrics and also Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition. *NOTE: Only questions related to the topic will be addressed during the session. Any inquiries outside of the discussion topic or submitted after the specified date will not be answered.

Ask The Expert- Probiotics for Kids: The Secret Weapon for Early Gut Health and Overall Wellness!
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Selamat sejahtera Dr. Ong Sik Yong. Anak lelaki saya berumur 2 tahun 3 bulan. 3 minggu lepas, dia menghadapi muntah-muntah teruk dan kami membawanya ke klinik dan doktor masukkan ubat di punggungnya, muntah berhenti. Keesokannya, anak mengalami demam on off dan cirit birit lebih 4 kali sehari selama tempoh 48 jam, dan kami membawanya ke klinik, doktor mendapat tiada simptom dehidrasi. Selepas sehari tu, anak kembali normal cuma najisnya berair dan najis kembali pejal dlm tempoh 2 minggu. Sejak pulih daripada cirit birit, badan anak saya naik ruam selepas mandi macam peta sehingga kini. Saya hanya sapu dengan baby lotion, ada reda sikit ruamnya, tapi berulang setiap kali keluar bilik air. Adakah ruam itu kesan daripada muntah, cirit birit dan demam on off yg dihadapi oleh anak saya?

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2mo ago

Untuk perhatikan samada ruam anak saya muncul, saya juga tidak menggunakan sabun mandi semasa membersihkan anak saya. Sama sahaja ada ruam samada guna sabun mandi atau tidak. Ruamnya setempat di kedua bahu, belakang badan, dada, perut dan peha juga leher.

Hi doc, What is the affect if take antibiotics in less than 1-2 weeks after off antibiotics? (fever +1 week on augmentin antibiotics) - (no fever + 1week no antibiotics) - (fever again + 1 week on amoxicillin antibiotics). Is it can be overdose? My 5y old son got hallucinations at one night on second time fever, and I'm in trauma with antibiotics. Both fever (tonsillitis) in the same month. Any suggestions for natural probiotics/remedies that can be taken daily for kids specially? Or anything that can replace antibiotics during fever. Is antibiotics lower the hb/causing anemia?

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Selamat sejahtera,hi doc.. Can you explain the relevance of antibiotics? Since a doctor that attend my 5y old son told me to give my son probiotics/prebiotics after took the antibiotics. How much would I need to give my son probiotics/prebiotics during the period to cover the loss of good biotics?

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Greetings Dr Ong Boleh suggest kan probiotics untuk boost immunity kids tak? Anak saya 4 years old boy sejak sekolah kerap dapat jangkitan, demam batuk,selsema etc.

Hi Dr Ong, can I know how early can I start giving my boy probiotics? Apart from giving him probiotics are there any suggestions to help build his gut health?

I noticed my child signs of eczema, weโ€™ve been trying many different products to help with his condition. May I know if probiotics can help with eczema?

What time of the day should I give my kids probiotic? Before food or after food? Morning or night?

Hi Dr Ong, will taking probiotics while breastfeeding help with my babyโ€™s gut health?

Do I really need to give my children supplements? Such as multi-vitamins or probiotics

At what age is it appropriate to start giving probiotics to children?