6 Replies
I would follow the doctor’s instructions, honestly. Because if the levels are extremely high or increasing, there’s a chance of brain damage to baby or a sign of liver issues respectively. In my case, when the levels were falling, I did “bargain” with the doctor to postpone the next appointment by 1-2 days. Heh. But that was because the levels were falling nicely and the cause of the jaundice was definitely breastmilk jaundice
Yes i did until he is cleared. They actually requested to come everyday but I went 2 days straight n then waited 5 days for the next one (to make sure the jaundice level is down so i don’t have to keep going back). You can skip the queue to enter with a newborn and then go straight to the clinic area to wait.
Thanks for the advice mommy!
My bby boy newborn 1 week 2 times visit poly till now going 4 month they send to kkh to further check up
Jaudince is so dangerous
Yes, pls. Polyclinics have the measures in place and i have take my LO on the follow up reviews.
Yes please, prolonged jaundice is dangerous
yes need to go.