How to wash pump parts at work?
Mommies who are working, how do you clean/wash your pump parts?

I brought everything to work actually 😅 Steriliser, bottle soap, cooler bag + ice packs. When people asked me what the steriliser was, some days I would tell them the truth, some days I would jokingly say it’s a rice cooker or a facial steamer 😁 So I did wash and sterilise after every use.. but maybe that’s just me. Haha.
Read moreI don't wash cos there's no time to do so. I just put the pump parts back into a lock n lock container and wash when I'm back home.
i usually dont wash at work..will wash when i'm back. if i do, it's just a rinse, and wash more thoroughly when i'm back
Hi Anna, how many times do u pump a day?
Better would be to rinse the pump parts at work but wash and sterilise it properly when back at home
I just rinse with water then pour hot water and keep.
Boiling water, baby bottle washing solution
i did not wash at work
Ever lost 2. Blessed to be a mother of 2 princess.