Can share how do you wash your breastpump parts at work? I don't Hv the luxury of time to religiously wash my breast pump parts after each session.

I will use a small basin, big enough to contain all my pump parts. Although I don't have much time, but I think at least this is clean enough to use for next pump. I used to dry it out in the open but realised that it doesn't make much differences. Have decided to cut things short so time spent is shorter, I just wash with warm water and rinse with hot water.
Read moreAt work, I use Tollyjoy bottle accessory detergent to briefly clean the pump parts (~1 min) before popping them into a huge lock & lock container filled with water and a sterilising tablet. Some people also use a compact steam steriliser, but that's too much trouble for me. You can also use hot water to rinse your pump parts, but it might not get rid of the oil.
Read moreI've seen my colleague simply rinsing hers with hot water after she pumps, shaking it and leaving it out on her desk (she has a small drying rack) to air dry before the next use. Also saw another one who will keep hers in a ziplock after washing. Oh! They both have a small basin in which they place the pumps in for quick washing/rinsing.
Read moreActually all these depends on individual. I used normal tap water to wash cos we are of the same - No time. However, before each use, I will use hot water to rinse it once or twice before using it. At least, it will kill the bacteria if any instantly. Of course if time permits, wash with hot water after all pumping sessions.
Read morei sterilise pump parts at hm and put in an airtight container to bring to work. I dont wash after pumping at wrk but simply put back into the airtight container and into the fridge, to b kept till next pump session. After wrk, bring hm to wash & sterilise for nxt day. LO is 7 mths now
Wash with baby cleanser after each use. Place back in the container which I keep the parts. Then pour in hot water and leave it thr 10-30min on my desk. Afterwhich, will drain the water away and place the container back to my pump bag and ready to go for nxt session.
after use, keep in enclosed air tight container instead of washing after each use. i only wash it at the end of the day and sterilise it once when i got home