Hi mommies, unlike others i gained so much weight after i started breastfeeding? Isit becus of the hormones? I have already controlled my diet and started eating healthily. What should i do?

It’s funny that everyone says we MUST lose our pregnancy weight after giving birth. And it seems like we’re a failure if we don’t. I’ve seen a mum of 4 children whose waist size is probably 21 inches now without putting in much effort, and I’ve seen mums that gain permanent weight with each successive child. All of our bodies are different, and each of us also has a different body image perception. First of all, you did an amazing thing by creating and giving birth to your baby ❤️. You should be very proud of yourself and know that you’re awesome and lovely! Secondly, weight gain and loss works differently for different people. Breastfeeding can use up maybe around 500-800kcal/day, but of course, we’re eating more than that. And we should ensure good nutrition so we can produce good milk for baby. Don’t starve yourself or deprive yourself of the joys of eating. At the same time, make good decisions about the calories you take in. When we breastfeed, we get hungry and thirsty all the time. So make your meals small and eat more often, filling your hunger but not overeating. Use baby as a nice little weight and do some light exercises together too:) Don’t weigh yourself every day or stare at your tummy too hard in the mirror too often.. that just stresses you out. Since you’ve already start eating more healthily, keep at it, start increasing your exercises till you hit a comfortable balance for both. You’ll feel healthier and fresher:) If there’s weight loss too, great! But if not, enjoy your breastfeeding journey first ❤️ Your baby gets all the goodness in your milk! There’s always time to go on a full diet/do more strenuous exercises after we stop breastfeeding, if that’s what you wish. Either way, you’re beautiful:)
Read moreI have the same problem. My tummy was as big as six months pregnant after two months pp. Breastfeeding and massage didn't reduce my weight. But light exercise, houseworks, carrying baby and reduce carbsssss intake really help me a lot. Probably because metabolism slowed down after deliver baby. By the way, big size mama is still able to provide protection and happiness to the family. So why care so much.. Our body reflect our motherly status 😎
Read moreIt takes time. I'm 5mths pp and bf exclusively, havent lose much weight. I've heard oeople taking a year. No rush! Our bodies have done great things😆
Me too!! Haha!! So sad! Haven't lost my pregnancy weight yet at all!! Haiz... trying to diet, but hubs insist I eat more more! Haha
Now that baby is out I’m back to drinking bubble tea and sweet drink! Very hard to lose weight
Are you latching or pumping? Think latching may be more effective for weight loss.
Shd slim down
me too (':