
Mommies sekarang dekat trimester yang ke berapa? Alhamdulillah sis 2 more weeks untuk habis 1st trimester ?

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Dah nk masuk third trimester , takut tp excited 😭😭

sama kita..bru 10 weeks..semoga baby besar dengan sihat

Minggu depan dah 3rd trimester. It couldnt be any worse now haha

alhamdullilah 2nd..22weeks.. baby aktif je..sihat alhamdullilah.

3rd trimester soon to be 30 weeks... Final week of 7 months 😍

9 bulan, 36 week already 😊😊 Alhamdulillah 🤲🏻🤲🏻

Bln pertama utk 3rd trimester. A few months to go💪👶🏻


3rd trimestrr esok dh kna admit sb gdm on diet 39 week 5 days

Trimester 2 (25weeks).. Lgi 1 mnggu je nk msuk trimester 3..

Hi i baru masuk 9mgu today.. selera makan makin kurang pulak