Chatime milktea
Hi mommies.. I really craving to drink milk tea.. but some say pregnant lady have to avoid tea and coffee.. any advice?

I drink coffee or tea almost daily or at least once every two days. From 8 weeks pregnant my HB was 13.3 then till 34 weeks checking HB dropped until 9.3...straight away stop all coffee tea..even decaf coffee also working hard to increase back the HB level -.-
Berpada-pada. Saya pun sejak mengandung ni hampir hari2 nak minum teh ais atau teh o ais waktu lunch, tapi saya limitkan 1 gelas sehari sahaja. Yg penting jgn tinggal ubat & jgn makan ubat sekali dgn teh tu. Alhamdulillah check up kelmarin hb saya 13.1
Chattime tu manis kan.. Mnum jgn selalu.. Kalau nk mnum coffee..pastikan decaff ye dlu..without caffeine.. Sy 34 weeks hritu..tiap2 hari nk mnum kopi o aisssss... Skrg slow sikit.. Ntah la.. Bau kopi addicted smpi xkeruan..
Yes. Need to avoid caffeine nanti hb rendah. But you can cheat by have it after checkup. 😂 before check up make sure everything you need to control. And yes, take less sugary food and drinks to avoid gdm.
Erm saye tanye doctor ape pantg larang dari segi mknan.. Doc ckp sbnye xde pon.. Contoh nak mkn fast food tu boleh tp jgn kerap la.. Itu je.. Ikot badan masing2.. Contoh ade darah tggi tapi bantai manis2 camtu ha..
Betul, kafein kena kurangkan masa pregnant, kalau sy, sy pernah juga terlupa minum teh & kopi. Tapi sejak kena elakkan, sy dah jadi tak teringin. If teringin pun minum sesudu yg org lain bancuh/order.
Hyee nak menyelit skit tanya hihi 🤭 sy baru 5 weeks pregnant is it okay kalau sy minum 1 cup milk tea dgn bubble tu ?
Hi . I take a small jug of tea once a week/weekend at hi tea time in arab restaurant , shared with my husband . Heheh
can take it but not regurlarly. once in a week its okay. not more. avoid taking more sugar.. eat well mummy.
Boleh je. Tp berpada sbb manis. Takut kena gdm pulak... Sy ms pregnant selalu minum tealive.. 😑