Hi mommies, my baby is having jaundice & he is 6 days old. Currently I wake him up every 1hr or 2hrs to breastfeed him but he only breastfeeds 10mins. Any idea how to make him breastfeed more?
Mase tgah breastfeed and after 10mins baby stop sucking try kacau2 pipi dia so that baby akan keep sucking.. 10mins terlalu cpat takut baby xdpt the bahagian colostrum tu just air je xkenyang baby nnt
baby jaundice memang kerap tido...macam pengalaman Saya..Saya Akan tukarkan Pampers baby dahulu sebelum menyusu..xpun geletek kaki baby..
Baby 6 days memang sikit je kuantiti minum susu sebab usus perut kecil sangat.. No problem..
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Pump and give to baby using bottle around 1-2 auns.