4 Replies

Hello, You know when kids are so fussy about eating food then moms have to become little smart so that without ghrir realising it they are having all the things required for their nutrition. You know what you can do is when you feed her parantha stuff the vegetable inside it or best is knead the flour with dal or vegetable. This way the vegetable or dsl is do nicely mixed in it that she would not come to know. Also you can have your grain be grinded according to you. Like take a few dal like....chane, masur and get them added to the flour and grind all together and mix with the flour and make chapati or parantha of this flour. Such little tricks you can do to make sure your daughter gets all the nutrition.

Hi, I think you can try changing your recipe. And anyway if kids have their way, they will not have vegetables and dal at all. I guess you try new ways of making porridge, khichdi, dal, etc. You can also make idli, sandwiches, poha, etc., with in a different style. Plate them in a way that the look of the food is interesting and she would like to have it. Do not worry, all kids throw tantrums in eating food. And most importantly feed your baby when she is hungry.

if she loves fruits then try and start introducing new recipes involving fruits, such as food roti, smoothies, fruit salads and juices. also try introducing one non-fruit food a day, such as poha, paratha, chapati or dal chawal. for the fruit roti, you can make it a like a pancake. mix the flour with some sugar and water and grated fruits such as apple. heat butter in a pan and spread the batter. cook till golden brown on one side, then turn and cook again.

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