20-week FA scan
My LO is not in a good position for the scan to be done, therefore the sonographer vibrate and shake my tummy a lot to get baby to move. I am now worried if the vibration and shaking will affect my LO inside. Is this ok?

It's totally OK no worries. The sonographer was apologising to me because she had to press hard down and to shake my tummy in order to get baby to turn to a good position. I just told her by all means as long as my baby moves! Idw to be trapped at the clinic for hours 😂 Baby is safe with lots of layers underneath our tummy. So no worry!
Read moreHello mummy, mine did the same thing. I had just eaten a few hours prior so my baby was sleeping so soundly. I even had to stretch and turn to get my baby to move. Don't be alarm. Babies are perfectly safe inside us. That's why we can even have sex during pregnancy 😂
😂 haha.... Thanks for the assurance.
I remember during an antenatal class the midwife mentioned that they usually shake mummy’s tummy to get a reaction from the baby. She said us mummy’s always tap2 but the nurses don’t hesitate to shake because the baby is safe as he/she is inside the waterbag
My sonographer had to knock & shake my tummy to wake baby up too. I was worried too but they are professional , I assume they know what they are doing. I read online, baby is protected by their water bag, in a way, they are considered safe!
Thanks! Feel much better after all the advice....
Its fine. The sonographer did that to me too cause my baby is sleeping and not cooperative during the scan. Was even asked to talk a 20 mins stroll before checking for other details. 😁
thank you! :)
I rmb mine did the same thing but gently, I believe they are professional. If you are worried, ask your gynae during next visit for piece of mind ok.
Thank you.
It is alright, they do that to wake up the little LO sleeping to atleast change their position so that can see clearly if its X or Y :)
Thank you!
Happened to me too, they are professionals and know what they're doing don't worry. Your womb is more protective than you think!
Thank you!
Dont worry is fine:) Theyneed baby in certain ppsition to scan all e necessary details and make sure baby is developing well
Thank you!!
Yes! I remembered the sonographer shaked my belly with the ultrasound scanner. It's okay. Don't worry too much.