Baby first vaccination
My LO had his first vaccination today. After we went back home, he has been very sleepy, tired and drinking lesser than before. Is this normal?
13 Replies

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Normal just watch out for fever which should subside within 48 hours. Fussiness and reduced appetite for few days expected.
VIP Member
It’s normal but do take note for signs of fever, rashes etc. Let him sleep and try to feed on demand.
Yes it’s normal Let him rest and next few days monitor May get fever etc
Hey, Yes it is normal but please observe the signs of fever on the baby.
VIP Member
Maybe he's not feeling well because of the vax. Baby should be ok ☺️
Yes. Baby is any human they get tired after jab too.
Super Mum
Yes it’s fine. Let baby sleep:)
VIP Member
Yes it's normal...
VIP Member
Yes normalc
VIP Member
yes normal.
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