
Hi my lo is 2 months. Can she sleep through the night without feeding?

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Depends on ur baby.. If she can drink alot of milk before slping then more chance she dont need to wake up for nightfeed. Having said tat, dont give her too much milk suddenly! Try increasing the volume slowly and see whether she is ready

I don’t think so,mine is a month and 16 days she doesn’t sleep through the night but she only drinks now like 2 times at night and sleep longer but not the whole night

Every child different . Most babies who are fed formula sleeps longer. Those on breastfeeding don't..

Super Mum

Hi it depends on individual babies :) Mine didn't sleep through but only woke up about twice.

VIP Member

Depends. I last feed my baby around 12 midnight and the next feed was around 5am.

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It really depends, maybe try once a night first before stopping entirely..

VIP Member

Yes .. but u hv to feed her if she sleeps as well make her wake up ..

Super Mum

Depends.. Some babies might be able to sleep through. Mine did..

Super Mum

Y nt... depends on e baby n lifestyle

It’s possible