My LO is 17 months old and still can't talk v well yet.. only know mama , drop, ba ba.. that's all .. he babbles most of the time . my mil keep stressing me, say why he is so old Liao still can't talk ? I'm v worried :(

My son at 18mo didn't know any of those words you mentioned - maybe just "mama" and "nehneh". We mentioned it at his routine development checkup at 18mo and got referred to speech therapy - then did a development assessment and found out he has isolated speech delay, meaning he understands very well but he doesn't know how to express himself in words or what words to use. Been about ... 5-6 months since we started speech therapy, he's improving but it takes effort from both parent and child :) I'd say it's not really something to worry about, but if you're uneasy with it just let the PD/nurse know at your next visit and then get it checked out!
Read moreMy firstborn never talk at all until she is 3 years old. I can totally feel you. My mil used to say she is abnormal too as scare me out totally. However, it turn out my girl is just a perfectionist like me. When she starts to talk, she speak in full sentence. Now, she is a radio with spoilt STOP button and talk non-stop. Different child grow at different speed. If he can understand your instructions and no issue playing with other he might just want to practice his "speech" first before he want to start talk.
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Every kid had his or her own pace, be patient and constantly communicate with your bub. I did that and now she is super talkative at 2plus of age.
every child is different and they start talking at different ages so it's normal unless the doctor tells you during the development checks
It's normal. Soon your LO will be so chatty that you can't stop them! Give them time. Just talk to him normally w proper words
Read moremy gal 22mo soon. only mama papa duck bus car bird.. etc. take it slow.. my gal oso recently den start abit of talking...
no worries momshie i feel you 😁a lot of mom say it's normal we need them time. just continue to adult talk 😉.
its very normal babe. give them time. dont stress them. eventually dey will talk. relax ba
all babies develop milestones different. dont worry too much. continue to adult talk