My LO is 10.5mo. People say baby got to babble by 9mo. Does it mean have to say baba or mama or dada? My LO makes a lot of sounds, sometimes say wawa or yeye or aiya or aigu. But no b,m,d consonants. Is that counted babbling? I don't know if I should be worried!

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Not to worry. Every babies are unique! So long they trying to speak and sound out, then should be fine! My 15months old baby just started to say baba, mama, bubble etc..

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Baby babbling gu gu ga ga is considered too. Don't be so bothered by the time line as every child is different. Don't worry so much! believe in your child!

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Each child grow at a different pace. Don't compare or be bothered with other kids. As long as the doctor doesn't say anything your child is fine.

Thats definitely baby babble. You can find out more here:

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Be patient no need to worry before 1 yr still hv time , so just njoy the phase , some kids bit late ..

Don’t be yet Some talk early Some talk late Mine started talking at 12 months and now can’t stop

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Every baby is different.. be patient and have faith. Most importantly keep trying to train ur baby

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Nt necessarily mama or dada. As long as they make alot of different sounding sounds is ok