Should work or plan for next baby?
My LO is 1 year old now. And I’m SAHM for few months and planning back to work once he start go to childcare at 1.5 years old. So far still breastfeeding with no menses. Should I try to conceive now or back to work 1st? Reason is because don’t want have the big gap. Any advice? TIA.

Just a note that you can get pregnant even though your period hasn't come back yet! Breastfeeding isn't a foolproof method to reduce the chances either :) Other than that, I think this is really something to discuss with your husband. I used to struggle with trying to find a partner ASAP while building up my finances so that my son doesn't have a sibling too far off from his age. I ended up being so focused on that I forgot about my son, and I talked to others about it and realized it may not be a bad thing to have an age gap because at least I'd have the time to really pour into my son's life before #2 arrives :) There's good and bad in every decision we make, but if you are looking to have #2, don't let the time factor get in the way if your finances are not safe yet. You should have at least 3-6 months of emergency savings set aside, along with enough for your #1 to at least get to primary school or so, and the extra needed for all the pregnancy checkups and baby items for #2 before you decide to have #2. The last thing you'd want is for your family to fall apart just because you wanted another child!
Read moreI think you should discuss with your spouse. I would prefer to go back to work first so to be more financially stable before the second one comes along.
best to discuss with your partner- there are a lot of factors to be considered and talking about it will help you decide on your next steps :)
yes I agree with the mummies discuss with yr hubby, not a decision 2b made on yr own :) plan financially too
Best to discuss with your hubby and see when wait awhile first or not? If you are still young, can still wait awhile
Depends on your financial situation. And how ready are you to tackle another baby at this point time :)