43 Replies
Hi mommy! WHO recommends children 6 months and below to be exclusively breastfeed. Breastmilk contains more than 80% water thus giving the baby enough liquid she needs. Giving water to babies below 6 months can put the baby at risk to diarrhea or worst water intoxification. Once she starts solid intake at 6 mos you can start to introduce water slowly.
sad part when we were growing up, we were given water since that's how it was. Good thing experts are able to study the effects on it on us and they say it's not good. So why keep doing something bad for our kids... makes me think next generations health is bleak. No water for babies below 6m. Follow WHO recommendations.
Hi, Mother's milk has all the nutrients and water that the baby requires. So, do not worry about your baby lacking in anything, unless she is not taking enough feed or your milk supply is less. Else, after six months you can give her water and can start solids also.
yes . heard bb no need to drink water . if fully in breastmilk/ fomula milk. . 1 doc actually advice no need to feed water or even cannot diluted the milk which this will cause constipation . if fees puree or any solid food yes. can feed some water. . hope this help
1. babies cant drink excessive amt of water as they can get water toxication. 2. a little bit of boiled and cooled water is fine although not needed if bf. bf on demand provides all the hydration needed even after u start solids
Many said before 6 months old no water for them, not because its due to their health, but its to prevent water intoxication. I would say, give a few sips of water won't hurt especially if baby is formula fed.
Yes that is correct. Babies below 6 mos should not take any water. They can start drinking once they start taking in solid food which is 6 months and up as per world health org recommendations.
Hihi. My baby girl just 4 months old,if breastfeeding then no need, dr recommend said can feed some water, also can give a little prune juice mix with water due to hard stool.
You can give a baby cooled boiled water with a little bit of glucose as they do get thirsty in between feeds. It was recommended years ago and I did it for mine. Its not harm at all.
please continue breastfeeding till 6 months are over. your baby does not need any water or anything else for the first 6 months at all. start water only after that.