2 month child
Can The 2 month baby drink a 50 ml of plain water. If cannot why?? How old can she drink a plain water

Please DO NOT feed 2 months old water. Their kidney is not develop. Please don’t listen to old folks saying they feed their child nv die. They must have forgotten they feed their child when they are 6 months old. Even 6 months old can only drink max 50ml / day.
In general, your baby shouldn't drink water until he's about 6 months old. Until then, he gets all the hydration he needs from breast milk or formula, even in hot weather. Once your baby is 6 months old, it's okay to give him sips of water when he's thirsty.
https://www.google.com.sg/amp/s/sg.theasianparent.com/when-to-give-baby-water/amp For your reference, only feed water to baby above 6 months when they start to eat solid. Baby below 6 months could get water intoxication.
Also 50ml is way too much, even at 6 months now I only give my baby small sips at a time since water has no nutrition but can make baby full and refuse milk later.
its adviced by dr to not feed water to baby till 6 months, exculsive breastfeeding or formula fed only..so pls avoid giving water as its not good for the baby
You must only feed your baby till at least 6 months. No need of water. After 6 months you can try with little amount of water and fruits purees.
Breast milk has all the necessary nutrients and water content needed for a baby. You can start from 6 months onwards
Better not. Baby at 2 months may not be able to ingest water properly. Wait till after 6 months old.
Better not If she gets too full from drinking water she can’t drink milk which is not good
No water until 6 mths. Because their kidney isn’t mature enough to filter water properly.