Abandoned Babies / Bayi Terbiar (Dibuang) šŸ˜¢

Kebelakangan ini, I noticed banyak berita mengenai bayi dibuang (abandoned babies). Paling menyedihkan bila baby dibuang dalam tong sampah ataupun ditinggalkan tepi busut semut sampai seluruh badan baby digigit semut, kesian baby and juga latest case 2nd baby ditinggalkan di hospital oleh ibu yang sama. I hairan dalam dunia kita ni ada juga manusia yang tidak mempunyai keperimanusian especially "motherly feelings", mother's instinct or maybe dalam keadaan sangat terdesak or depression sampai boleh tinggalkan baby dalam tong sampah. I faham only you will understand what you are going through but just imagine how the baby will feel bila baby membesar nanti dapat tahu pernah ditinggalkan or dibiarkan macam tu or how do you feel kalau you pernah diabaikan? If yes you pernah diabaikan, is it adil untuk ibu behave such way again? Why I am talking about all this sebab I just want mothers out there walaupun you tak ready lagi to be a mother or terpaksa melahirkan anak maybe disebabkan masih bawah umur / tak cukup duit untuk menyara, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dapatkan bantuan daripada pihak yang sepatutnya seperti ibubapa or siblings or trusted friends, ataupun agency help support group untuk membantu anda dalam situasi ini. Kalau ibu tiada sesiapa pun, at least boleh share dalam group ini kurangkan beban dalam hati tu and we all here to help you and make you feel better. I hope that I can help mothers out there and make sure they are not alone in this battle of motherhood. Tolong jangan sekali-kala abaikan baby or "buang baby", kalau tak boleh nak sara, I faham, ibu boleh dapatkan pertolongan daripada orphanage homes sebab banyak keluarga dekat luar yang sedang menunggu untuk mengambil anak angkat and menyayangi anak tersebut. If I had said anything wrong here, please forgive me ya, just sharing my heart feelings thoughts here and hope to make this world a better place and be a good mother. Please spread this word, so we can help people out there especially the babiesā¤ļø#pleasehelp #advicepls #firsttimemom #firstbaby #firstmom #bantusharing

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Very much agree to this post, at recent times the news is flooded with baby abandonment cases and it saddens me so much to see how heartless could people be. The child is innocent and if one could not handle the child, itā€™s best to seek help from gov or non gov agencies. Thereā€™s a lot of people out there whom are willing to assist and are also seeking for adoption. Itā€™s best to reach out for help instead of leaving the child to die.

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