Like what my husband always shared, there are many different types of friends; it depends what kinds of friends you need. I am never good in social around so I don't have lot of friends. However, I know I can count on them when I in trouble. I know a lot of people have one full list of phone of friends but no one they can turn to when they need help. I know a Mommy who is very popular with other mommies but secretly complaining their kids behind their back. For me, I don't and can't be bothered to waste time on those people I rather spend my time on nurturing my kids into a better person or upgrade myself as a better role model for them. Why be a sparrow when you can be a eagle? One got to understand eagle fly alone as nobody can fly and reach their height of flight.
I lost the ability to connect with many of my friends because of the lack of common topic - they're mainly in the army or university now, while I'm raising a 2-year-old and working from home. What I do is just cut out the toxic people or the "pretend to care" people, which is relatively easy because as a parent, I hardly reply messages on time - so people who don't put in the effort to catch up with just drift apart from me. But I don't mind, because I'd rather spend time and effort on those who does the same for me! Don't worry because you'd make new mummy friends, and even so, you'd have to keep a lookout too - stay away from toxic mums :)
First thing of all. is she a mother? if no, then don't be bothered. people without kid they are unable to understand who we feel exactly. Secondly, once you step into motherhood, you will slowly change the circle of friends you have. It's not uncommon, It's very common. Like me, i talk mainly to mothers now. We share the same thot and all. It's easier to click and understand each other when we want to plan an outing or something
hi mummy, I know how you feel! it's hard to explain to others what motherhood is all about until they are parents themselves. I lost many friends along the way too, kept a few good ones, and I made alot more mummy friends after that! being able to share and learn from fellow mummies is the best thing in my motherhood journey. remember, you are not alone so don't worry! as long and you and your bud is happy, that's what it matters!
Don't be bothered abt de comments made by ur frens with no children.. Can tell them 'wait u got children den we have this conversation/or u'll understand after u pop'.. If torture or tough, tell her don't give birth..?? Tat's only when u have reach ur patience limit.. As mummies now, we tend to be more sensitive n emotional.. So don't take their comments too seriously.. Vent here if needed.. Slp tight :)
Don't think too much dear. They won't understand. It was the same for me end up I also no friends. Cause it's hard for them to realize that as moms out time is factored by our kids.
me too now i talk more to mummies friends. as those single friends dont understand we have to sacrifice for our kids once they are born. so come in here to talk to us instead. lol
Hey! You'll get new friends who are moms. I can only say to ignore. And if the way they will understand once they have kids of their own.