I’m overweight at around 65kg before pregnancy. My weight went up very little compared to the average weight gain charts. Dr said it’s fine as long as baby’s weight is on track. He then said if want, can take some maternity milk 😅
During my first trimester i gain weight. However lost weight when im entering 2nd trimester. I guess as long as ur gynae monitor baby growth is normal. Should be fine
You are blessed if you did not gain weight and baby is growing normally and healthily. You belong to the few mummies with great genes
It should be fine as long as you go for timely checkups with your gynae. I’m not gaining too, hope it continues this way
If baby is healthy and doing well, be thankful for not gaining weight. I am 5 months preggy and have gained 8kg 😢
My doc did a weight gain projection for me based on my pre-pregnancy weight, BMI and ideal baby weight upon birth.
Wow. U r great. As long check up bb is healthy then no issue. My Dr keep warm me I'm overweight...
It normal for not gaining weight. As long as your baby is healthy everything is fine.
No worries if gynae is monitoring ur health and baby growth progress is doing well.
mine also since I pregnant. til now only my weight is 50. earlier was 48